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Ion Locus: Last Mile Delivery System

Logistic Technology

Ion Locus: Last Mile Delivery System

Last-mile delivery is the final phase of the delivery process. In a product’s journey, it is moved from the warehouse shelf (often at a distribution center) to the customer’s doorstep. it is sometimes called final mile, is where the item is sent out from a local warehouse or fulfillment center for its final delivery to the customer.

Steps in the Last Mile Delivery Process:

⇒ A customer requests an order digitally. These requests are held in one centralized system, which makes tracking simple.

⇒ The items in the order are located in the warehouse or holding facility and are sent to a transportation holding facility. This is where the last mile delivery officially starts.

⇒A fleet manager or software will assign delivery routes based  on orders. Routes will be optimized based on customer location, delivery time constraints, fuel usage, and more.

⇒ Orders are scanned and tracking information is sent to the customer. Tracking items allows customers to have a better delivery window, which increases satisfaction.

⇒ The customer receives the order.

⇒ A proof of delivery is obtained, such as a signature or picture of the delivered order for order records.

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Logistic Technology

End to End IT Service

We provide customized ERP Software and Delivery boy mobile application from order booking to delivery to customer in a seamless way automation systems.

Our Offerings:Technical support, Complete online software, Delivery boy Mobile app, Bulk-SMS, Online payment system & client training.

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All System Modules
2.Company Management
3.User Management
4.Pricing Management
5.Order Management
6.COD Remittance
7.Shipping cost Calculator
8.Category Management
9.Account Management
10.Warehouse & Drop Location
11.API Document
12.Zone Management
13.Google Map Tracking

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